About Ménière’s disease
disease is a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance.
People suffering from Ménière’s disease experience a variety of symptoms that
may come and go, ranging from extreme dizziness, vertigo (a feeling that your
surroundings are moving when there is no actual movement), nausea, tinnitus
(roaring, humming or ringing sounds in your ears), fullness, pressure and pain,
and hearing
of vertigo are considered the most prominent symptom, with episodes typically
lasting at least 20 minutes. People with Ménière’s may find that the symptoms
they experience create problems for them in their work, family and social lives
resulting in a loss of confidence and independence. Many experience feelings of
anger, frustration, depression and isolation. This is why new medicines for
Ménière’s are needed.
Good morning, this is what I deal with alot. It is a awfull thing so that is why my days are good one , bad ones. Isn't growing older WONDERFUL. Lol
Raining here today so I plan on worling on a Afghan I told a lady I would make for her. It will be a Christmas gift so don't have to work be in a hurry with it.
I wish you a great day.