
Monday, August 18, 2014


Hello, well, it would not work, the photos I mean.  I can get some from the Picasa ablum but not really the ones I want to use.  At one point my brain could figure it out but today I think it is the size of a pea.  So, what to do, what to do?

yep, maybe I will take a ride into the country today and see how the cotton patch is comming along.  When the fields get all bloomed out , it looks like a blanket of snow.  Maybe I will even take a picture for ya.  Oh wait, did I say Picture?  Can I get it to post, oh well. time will tell.
Today is laundry day and since I have the modern things to do this I was wondering who might remember using this washing machine?  I sure do, wait, I can';t tell you my age?  wink-wink
Those were the good ole days and if we could live like back in those days it would be a wonderful world to me.  I miss the good ole days, I read alot of the Amish books and their life is so peacefull, calm, and they live   a very different life for sure.

I hope you have a good day, take the time to sit back and enjoy all of the good things in your life.


Monday, August 11, 2014


My-Project-166-001-Copy.jpg (440×622)Ok , lets see what happens with this picture

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Good  Morning, what to do, what to do, I am so about ready to throw in the towel as they say as I still can not get my pictyres to upload out of my photo album.  some i can get but not really the ones I want to use.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

Sunday here in cloudy Florida and looks like rain might be moving in.  I love to hear the rain on the roof as it sings me to sleep.  The winds and thundering are a differrent story.  

Yesterday hubby and I went to a yard sale but not much stuff.  I did find a quilt but after looking it over, for the price she wanted , I found big stains on it so passed it by.  Now, my friend Mona out in California, she finds the Treasures.  I tried to get her blog here but once again I could not, cry, woe is me.  she has a beautiful blog and the name is "Wsprsweetly of cottages"  I will work on trying to get it for you one of these days, in the meantime give it a try anyway.

I need to go and think about starting Lunch so I wish you a wonderful day, give someone a smile and not only will it make their day, but yours as well.

Lives in Sunny Florida

Something I did find at the yeard sale